Thursday, August 20, 2009

Age Of King 2.0 No Cd



The statements of Senator Stiffoni are the classic provocation propaganda typical of the Northern League. I join in the criticism instead of Felice Casson set out today on the statements by Giampaolo Gobbo.

Stiffoni you can say that the fallen of the Great War was a sacrifice on behalf of the aims of the House of Savoy, perhaps Stiffoni not remember that going to war, debated at length, was democratically approved by the Italian Parliament by May 21, 1915 407 votes in favor, 74 against and 1 abstention in the House and 281 out of 281 votes in the Senate.

Speaking of the fallen in this way is direct insult to all those who gave their lives in the name of the Fatherland. It 'also false to say that Trent and Trieste would have been obtained without war. We know that it took months to bring the Allies to this position in favor of Italy. Certainly the Savoy were at the forefront of fighters with the soldiers. Just those fighters who coined the nickname for Vittorio Emanuele III King of Soldier.

On then to the League This fantasy of "plebiscite fraud" in describing the operations of the 1866 annexation of Venice to the Kingdom of Italy with data in hand I can say that this is an excuse we all know that at the time democracy had "different approaches". It 'just remember that the popular vote did not exist. Neither the empire of Austria-Hungary, in the Veneto was part of the Kingdom of Lombardy-Veneto, nor democraticissima of post-revolutionary France of Napoleon III.

was rather strong, very strong indeed, the thrust unit, which resulted in the Risorgimento, which had its own in Venice and Padua its main centers. How can we forget that they saw the uprisings in Padua with its epicenter Coffee Pedrocchi and the University? It 's all forgotten in the Veneta Land? I do not think, certainly the House of Savoy had a central role not by choice. This was because in the Italian Peninsula was the only country to have given the people a democratic system with a parliament, one of the first in Europe, a democratic constitution, with the Statuto Albertino, a system of international relations of the first level and a level of infrastructure development and very advanced.

plebiscites, Stiffoni dear, the events were important: "facts" for the time when democrats took place. Read as one reads the actual vote would be a grave historical error, and above all a sign of bad faith.

It 's amazing that the league does not realize that the continuing attacks against the unification of Italy is a boomerang because it exposes the true aims of this deployment, which are not certain interests of the citizens!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

South Park Watch Online With English Subtitles


E ' after a month of balloting, which saw the victory of Flavio Zanon reappointed mayor of Padua. A month in which they have said many, many things about the reasons for the defeat of the Centre Right. I therefore take cue Article Hon. Giustina Destro appeared today in the Morning. The Hon. Has got it right. In Padua, the center-right does not have a leader and, worse still, not a project. Already in June of 2008, I pointed out that the city needed a serious project that would place it at the center of a virtuoso cultural, social and economic such as to push it back between the cities of the future protagonists of Italy. This call came from a need that I was repeatedly reported by different parts of the population of Padua. It was almost a cry of pain "over the situation in and to the city. From these my records, set in almost forty articles and letters in the press in Padua, was born the project of ViVi Padova that has seen many people join in a few months to outline a project to Padua. Which brings us to the point: once the PDL, after months of ballet unworthy, decided on his candidate was expected, wrongly, to find someone who can appreciate the work done in preparing a program that, in many places, could be "adopted" by the Center Right. Our presumption was, indeed, was only willing to contribute for the good of the City. I do not want to enter into controversy with anyone but I can assure you that does something to see a project ignored the result of many months of work they have been involved in top-level international figures in the field of territorial development, commerce, innovation, culture, 'Art and security.
You see, this paradoxical attitude of arrogance and haughtiness and humane policy has had the effect more apparent defeat of the Centre Right.
Flavio Zanon's victory is not only the result of the loss of votes of the "guests of the runoff." E 'instead the result of a deaf and arrogant attitude held by the PDL to the electorate, of personality that could make a contribution to the cause of rebirth town, and even against its own best managers kept apart. It is not only to "delay or quality of application, not just of business units and related divisions of" pockets of power, "it is primarily lack of thickness of the management. This is superficiality in relationships and in assessing people and situations. I'm sorry to say this area of \u200b\u200bpolicy which should be and I've always seen as a natural bulwark of the aspirations for growth and development of my city. So, dear Mr Right, You're right! The PDL is at the mercy of Padua nothing. But I wonder, and I'm not alone, She is the Deputy Coordinator of the PDL Vicar of Padua, how is it that despite his position has not been able to curb rampant arrogant myopia in your party? I'm not a piece of the PDL but I would be happy if many men of the party they used a way to relate less snooty. I believe that the PDL Veneto should listen more and be more open and practical. As it is seen as a "party of plastic" built "all around him" in which "Mr. No" are not welcome and where those who have good ideas is kept away for fear that may emerge overshadowing the many "Dirigentin" who currently occupy any position, and which are evidence of the many, too many, which is severely affected pettiness of the PDL. Just look at the sorry figure in the constituencies won by the Center Right all still without a President! For me I go out my way which is made of commitment to the future of Padua and the Veneto. Especially in Padua that dream can go back to being a big city, cultural and artistic center, innovative and modern, young and dynamic.

Filippo Bruno di Padova Tornaforte
President ViVi!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Mounted Iron Board Singapore



Congratulations Marco Marin with the outcome of the first round of municipal elections in Padua that he partakes in the head to head with Flavio Zanon. In particular we would like to thank Marin for being able to unite many forces around him despite initial suspicions of many, including our own, against the defendant. The proof of its success is the civic list "for Padua Marco Marin, we have helped to support along with other realities of Padua, who has achieved an excellent result, 8, 7%, beyond every survey. It 's a sign that should encourage us to do our best to bring in the next two weeks at the Palazzo Moroni Marco Marin. It 'clear that Padua has awakened from the slumber and decided to change, We therefore invite all who wish to recover from Padua to support their city and work to oust Marin definitely Zanon and his entourage left and destructive.
Finally I thank all friends who have supported ViVi Padova Padova with the list for Marco Marin and urged them to continue their propaganda ahead of the ballot.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sakura I Saske Igrice


PUGGINA CRISTINA: "THE MOSQUE IN Hippodrome yet another abuse of power by Zanoni"

Puggina Cristina, a candidate for City Council in the Navy List, today attended a meeting at Ponte di Brenta with many local residents . The meeting was organized by Petra Menini, Marin District Candidate List 3, to analyze the situation of the large area that contains important and sensitive areas such as Ponte di Brenta, Venice and dropouts.

Puggina Cristina said: "We had to speak to the needs of residents and we instead found between the head and neck, the decision to open the mosque by way of the Hippodrome. The residents do not want the mosque by way of the Hippodrome. It take note! "

During the meeting it became clear that the opposition is supported by major socio-cultural analysis that show that the mosques to become places of worship places of formation of terrorist cells, or at least within the Islamic propaganda Our city communities.

Puggina Cristina continues: "Zanon is hiding behind the fact that this mosque will be opened in a private, non-municipal and so he" washes his hands'. This is yet another injustice that the mayor wants to do to the detriment of citizens. It 'good to remember that Zanon is still supported by the left of the disobedient Ruffini, the same left that led us to lose the rankings at municipal offices for immigrants from selected foreign associations of the left rather than the local police. Zanon continues in the same policy that plunged Padova in degeneration and who now wants to undermine our basic values \u200b\u200bsuch as Christianity. "

Filippo Bruno of Tornaforte
Election Committee President Cristina Puggina
+39 340 8568340

Accounts For Kates Playground



let you know that Cristina Puggina candidate for city council of Padua Marco Marin began the first meetings for the forthcoming elections of 6 / 7 June.

Yesterday afternoon he met in Via Carducci a group of local residents Prato della Valle / Corso Vittorio Emanuele to see what you would like to see local residents of the future city administration: "I met a large group of residents of the area that is very at heart she was born and raised right in Corso Vittorio Emanuele where my family ran a business history. It 'obvious concern of the inhabitants of this beautiful area of \u200b\u200bPadua to the oppressive policies implemented by Zanon who first delivered this area to illegal immigrants and drug addicts, and now wants to rape with the Plan Crotti. Residents wishing to find the serenity of living area Appiah, Prato della Valle, as before. An area with its own commercial life to walk with their children and grandchildren without fear of running into all kinds of riffraff. And 'it was also evident concern for the plan that would undermine Crotti the balance of Prato della Valle with a senseless action. All will agree with the redevelopment of the area but without disastrous interventions. "

Cristina Puggina meet today at a group of 18 residents of the neighborhood with Lisa Chiesanuova Scanferla candidate for Council District 6 by Marco Marin, theme of the pressing needs of District 6.
Tomorrow at
20 hours will be held the meeting with the local artisans and Guizza Bassanello Galiazzo organized by Alexander, candidate for Council District 4 by Marco Marin.

17 will be held Saturday at the meeting with the mothers of the area with dropouts Petra Menini , candidate for the District Council 3 with Marco Marin.

Friday, May 1, 2009

When Does Huntik Season 2




in recent weeks have been kept away from political debate in the city to give way to Marco Marin, candidate for Mayor of the center-right to express his point program and to highlight the method by which intended to give off the positive change for draw the Future of Padua.
I got to personally meet Marco Marin, along with Alberto Claut and our leaders, and we found him in great determination and above all clarity and transparency not often found in politicians. So I think it's fair to make our contribution to the success of the election campaign of the Coalition for Marin Mayor.
why we fielded the best forces of Padua ViVi! to be candidate of the Civic Party Candidate: "To Padua Marco Marin."
In the coming days will convene a press conference to outline the election commitment and the program that will bring a dowry to Marco Marin, we are happy to give our candidates the following:

Filippo Bruno of Tornaforte

CRISTINA PUGGINA for the City of Daughter of Padua

Presidentissimo of Puggina Marino Calcio Padova, Italy Despar founder, Cristina takes care of the Press Office from 1986 for some of the most popular of the Made in Italy based in Milan and Padua. In Padua has always been its primary business office giving the city the opportunity to be known even in complex environments such as the design and fashion often accomplished by Milan. Mother of two sons, Philip and Maxine Brown Tornaforte, and grandmother of two beautiful grandchildren Nicola and Ottavia, Cristina decided to support Marco Marin: "I am happy to support with ViVi Padova Marco Marin. And a clean person, young and aggressive. Knowing very well the world of sport I'm sure Mark will give their all to win, you can count on my support and my family. My motto is clearly "Here Padova in Serie A!." Padova deserves to regain leadership of the most important cities of Italy, we are working for the program Culture, Tourism and Trade and Security / family we studied with Vivi Padova can be part of the program for future council led by Marin. My motto is clearly "Here Padova in Serie A!" deeply because we love this city that deserves our full commitment. "

RED KATIA the Neighborhood Center

Young committed professional and a brilliant journalist who works successfully with the annual costume" Gotha "and" The Gazzettino. Daughter of Dino Rossi, who with his brothers is the protagonist in the global luxury footwear Rossimoda with the group. He wants to devote his commitment to the rebirth of the Old Town especially in key youth: "We are tired of having a heart historical dying or unkempt. We would like to rediscover the pleasure of experiencing the squares and streets of the city safely and without curfew, young and fun as I would like to major European cities who envy our peculiarities too often belittled and denigrated. A historic center safe, alive, young and respectful. This is my thought for the Centre of Padua "

VALERIA CHIANGLIA for the District 2 Arcella

Note teacher always dell'Arcella inhabitant, Valeria Chinaglia has long been involved in social and nell'associazionismo, with the Committees Arcella to try to make the neighborhood more livable and safe Arcella. Well known for its program to make neighborhoods a place rebirth of the city with the slogan "Not only the historical center" also presented at the Conference ViVi Padova last April also reported in the national press as an example of rebirth and redevelopment of neighborhoods with particular attention to families and young people.

PETRA MENINI for District 3

Young and dynamic professional in the commercial sector. Active in two outlets in the District has decided to make arrangements which their professional knowledge for the improvement of trade in the district speaking to young people.

ALESSANDRO Galiazzo for the District 4

Craftsman in electrical engineering has always been resident in the district where he wants to focus its activities on a plan of reorganization and revitalization of crafts in the area.

DANIELE Sciancalepore for the District 5

young trader in the field of electrical appliances Daniel has already brought a dowry to ViVi Padova his knowledge of the hospital sector and service needs of the elderly and families in general who are often "abandoned" in neighborhoods.

LISA SCANFERLA for the District 6

young entrepreneur in the printing industry has always been resident in Chiesanuova understands the needs of the district especially in the Catholic. His first commitment is for the redevelopment of the areas degraded so that they can go back to being usable by the elderly and many young people who leave the District for the countries of the urban belt.

Filippo Bruno di Padova Tornaforte
President ViVi

Secretary Alberto Padova ViVi

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Differnace Between Xanax And Xanax Bars

the PDL, the candidate and the unarmed citizens

the PDL, the candidate and the unarmed citizens
Story of a party away from the demands of citizenship.

Confirmation of Mayor Candidate PDL Padova came at 18:34 after months unnerving expectations. This is the "Brambilla" Marco Marin, in spite of the work and commitment of many party members far more deserving as Senator and Attorney Saia. Menorello.
I say it is unknown and not very busy because, despite a Councillor and Town Councillor, there is no trace of activity relevant to the good of Padua in any local archives and even on his website, the Association Padua, so that his last trip was in October 2008 ... no comment ...

At this point it is right to emphasize the failure of this great new party in finding able-bodied men, without taking anything away from Marin, to represent a true revival project for Padova of the next five years. Especially evident is the lack of a charismatic leader able to beat the challenger Zanon.

I want to emphasize an aspect that is particularly important when choosing of its candidate won the PDL did not take into account the minimum needs of citizens dele Padua, in defiance of the principle of internal democracy and the value of Election. Instead, it lost precious months burning the first one and then the other name of reaching a month from the elections with a weak candidate, little known and active citizenship.

This nauseating and the continuing internal disputes arising from the division of roles and "squares" according to political logic totally alien to the interests of the city of Padua. This reflection serves as constructive criticism against a political party born a month ago already lame.

As for us is always ViVi Padova the rule that must be borne by the best program that you really can start the rebirth of the city based on the certainty to the revitalization of culture and commerce. We do not exclude, therefore, proceed beyond the sides with a serious program prepared by international experts and supported by the seriousness of our leaders and members who came, thank God, not by politics but by civil society Padua.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Inflamed Gallbladder In Dog


The "big idea" of the Mayor to transform the largest square in Europe and unique in a nightclub in the open.

We missed this too reviled to our center!
After having ruined the squares and the Ghetto, barbarously tortured by hordes of drunken idiots and dazed, now the "genius" of our Mayor, Mr. Zanon, has also decided to destroy the pearl that are the envy of all Europe, Prato della Valle.
The decision, with a lot of economic allocation and involvement of unidentified music associations and cooperatives, the transformation of one of the most admired examples of eighteenth-century urban architecture in a disco. Apart from the mediocre and so incomprehensible idea to embarrass the mayor of a little town in the country, I find this unconscionable behavior that tramples, not only the rights of the residents in Prato della Valle, Padua, but of all citizens who love the beautiful architecture of our city.
If you really wanted to create a new venue for the "barbarian invasions" of the "people of spritz" afforded them the former Hole Boario Course Australia, better suited to that kind of fun. We know the consequences of mass gatherings "spritzaioli" Zanon, which controls more than five years and every week, causing fights, riots, filth and degradation.
It 's time that the Paduan realize the degree to which it is now that their mayor did Padova void in all respects: safety, violence, through culture and art.
But the fund, it seems, has not been touched!
We hope to "send him home" on 7 June ...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Games Recemend For Stroke Victims



The Conference on Security organized by ViVi Padova!, In collaboration with a City Committee, the Other Padua and Retired, was followed by About two hundred people in attendance and was conducted by journalist Gianni Versace.

Tornaforte Present Philip Brown, President of ViVi Padova, Alberto Claut, Secretary of ViVi Padova, Renzo Sartori and Valeria Chianglia Committee Q2 A city, Aldo Pagano of the Other Padua.

Special guests Sen. Maurizio Saia and Vice Chairman of the Board. Comunale di Milano Stefano Di Martino. Absent Hon. Giustina Right, which sent an interesting message on the issue of security, and Hon. Antonio De Poli, who has sent a greeting to all present. Very

applauded the intervention of President ViVi Padua has analyzed the situation in the city after five years of administration Zanon: "What you look at it from below or from above, from right or left, the city is at the mercy of anything. In a time when he lost the role of Padova Capital Triveneto, in which crime and degradation is rampant in every corner of the city area, where the economic crisis gripping the merchants and craftsmen. We do not find a single mention of programmatic, strategic and tactical information from any of the sides. All in Padua has become mediocre, flat on "Dots" of his administration and the opposition. "

Vice President of the City Council of Milan, Stefano Di Martino, former President of the Security Commission, explained the plan which the Lombard city has fought crime and degradation. A handbook that can well be applied also in Padua and which finds its strength in the use of the Municipal Police, which also must have specific teams dedicated to parks and neighborhood.

Alberto Claut has instead analyzed the situation of medical safety and doing a hydrogeological cross-section of warnings in 1995 and ignored by the then mayor Zanon: "In 1995, the situation in Padua on illegal immigration was a cause for concern. At the time we pushed hard to find immediate solutions. Even then he pretended nothing Zanon, fourteen years later we are in a state of crisis that the city had ever had. Do not say that the Mayor did not know! "

Tornaforte The President has also launched a number of proposals for the solution of problems related to safety: " On the security of Milan we adopt the model that focuses on redevelopment of brownfield sites in the city area in collaboration with business groups in the city. It 's very important that the city find a harmonious balance in its entire urban fabric. It should be activated a Land Protection Unit, which monitors the area and implement a systematic redevelopment project must also cover former industrial areas abandoned den of fools hours. Yes integration and zero tolerance towards illegal immigrants, thugs and criminals. Remediation of all areas with high density of ethnic businesses. Prohibition of initiation of take-away Ethnic eateries, such as kebabs, in the historic center. Review of allocations of municipal offices that will give preference to young Paduan. Ban also picnic on public space. Moving in a more soup kitchens appropriate. Promotion of Brigade and Brigade of the Parks District. Installing Emergency call the Parks and the most dangerous areas of the city. Increase in the presence of cameras. "

In the coming weeks the project will be presented for the following points:

Relaunch Trade

revitalize the role of Padova


family and Social

Culture true resource for the revitalization of the city

Philip Tornaforte concluded ringraizando Sen. Maurizio Saia for coming and for the interesting talk on his project spurring safety, in case the candidate for mayor, to use common sense, what each of us use at home.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Detailed Bench Project Blueprints



In response to numerous inquiries to our office we decided to launch a campaign for the safety of citizens who can engage directly in Padua. In recent weeks we have met members of the City of Milan to find the actions that actually contributes to the security of citizenship.

E 'then came the Campaign for Security of the Citizen .

The first step was the creation of Handbook "The Good Habits "for the security of its citizens . A series of simple steps to follow to live safer. The leaflet also gives details of the main agencies. Police, Police, Fire, First Aid, Telefono Azzurro, Telephone Friend and Civil Protection.'ll also activated a special issue for members. (attached brochure)

The second step is the launch of Conference "Padova Together" which will be held on April 3 at 21:00 to Hell Carotta. title Conference on Security, Immigration and degradation: the experiences of organizations and citizens' committees ". The conference, sponsored by ViVi Padova, will be an opportunity to take stock on the real problems of citizenship, it will speak to the spokesmen of the committees, associations and movements of some important Paduan.
will be given detailed information on topics and participants in the coming days.

will be followed by the completion of the folding targeted at immigrants, "The Rules of Good Living" which will be reported in Italian, Chinese and Arabic standards of conduct that all Italian citizens traditionally respects and that should also be respected citizen of the immigrant.
E 'in the definition phase of the launch campaign "Here you are safe!" to which the public can join the exercises the city, applying outside the room adhesive "Here you are safe!" give you the guarantee of a place open to all citizens deserve the security of Padua.

These first steps are part of a larger project related to security, promoted by President Philip Tornaforte, which is building ViVi Padova thanks to D EPARTMENT Security and Civil Defence Suburbs directed by Cav. Alberto Claut former coordinator of the Civil Protection of Padua. The leaflet

Security "good habits" will be distributed throughout the city at 25,000 copies in all public places, offices, parishes, etc..

E 'distribution began yesterday with great success. Requests by the public exercises and there are hundreds of parishes.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Kates Playground Jean Corset Set


Two months before the elections are concerned about the lack of plans for the future of the City.

I take inspiration from intervention by Mr Iles Braghetto Gazzettino published in Padova on the exclusion of the Metropolitan Cities, which is incredible given the size, to come back on the importance of planning a development strategy of the City . In his article, the MEP Union of the Centre took the essence of the problem that is gripping Padua, and more, for nearly five years. In Padua lacks the planning for the future, there is no a real strategy to delineate the role, growth and development. This "desert administrative / planning" what is this? On many occasions I had no trouble expressing myself in a critical way both to the Administration Zanon is towards the center right of the team. Both "teams" are modest, so "Little" by not being able to reverse the inexorable trend towards degradation of every sort to which Padua was meeting.
We come then to the future that lies ahead for the city in about two months will decide the next mayor and he will also decide the "strategic plan" that will be adopted in the next five years of government. I admit my confusion. I do not understand, maybe I'm too stupid, but I do not understand! I do not understand what the future of Padova which we propose Zanon. I do not understand what that of the PDL. I see many discussions that revolve around the "electoral dimensions" of either candidate. Yesterday I followed closely the statements of Mayor Candidate Zanon released during the opening of its "listening point". Yeah, talking about how to solve the many problems of the city, too bad that you have not realized that the problems he himself created them ... In short, it is questionable whether the Mayor has the perception of reality. In my opinion it is quite clouded by the "smokescreen of power" that has been created around it. On the other hand, a mayor who does not even close to get to the Liston Hall, preferring a car with the stock, says a lot about that relationship may have with citizens. Zanon has spoken of wanting to work for young people, perhaps he was referring to the clique of misfits that have littered the streets of the old town? He spoke of the importance of giving young couples the opportunity to have a house, perhaps he was referring to the "Ruffini method" that he has used for five years giving priority to young immigrants from Padua? I could go on but I stop to look in the other "page the newspaper where the center-right rattles off the usual data that is fantastic poll lead. You know, in many interviews conducted by members of the PDL have not seen a single sentence on the government's program for Padova. I have not read anything except the usual squabbles over the candidate. Exactly, who is the candidate? It seems that after all the problem that the candidate does not concern other parties. That may be true, but at least started talking about what you would like to do to save the results Padova. We did it with ViVi Padua, can do it like a colossus PDL?! Am I wrong? So dear friends, the city is in the storm, the mayor is stunned, the PDL lunch and dinner, and we citizens? Well ... or we move or we are screwed!

Filippo Bruno di Padova Tornaforte
President ViVi!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

How To Delete The Call History On Uverse

Monsignor Fisichella A PADOVA

The context we want to gag WHO DO NOT think like them

Monsignor Rino Fisichella is undoubtedly the highest authority on matters pertaining to life. In addition to this is the Rector of one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the world, the Pontifical Lateran. The fact that he has accepted the invitation of the Foundation Marina Minnaja to attend the important conference on Bioethics is clearly a good thing that honors the role to be more decisive on the subject of Sciences of the University Patavino. Suffice it to recall that in Padua, Galileo Galilei was able to freely teach and study what was a real revolution. I think we should all be very happy to welcome Monsignor Fisichella and, above all, we should listen to his words and his point of view without necessarily drawn into debates on "TV-style" which regularly lead to controversy. This mode of communication, much like that in this Italy increasingly distant from its core values, is certainly not worthy of the traditions of Padua. That said, we understand how various student committees can afford to "cry out" against the presence of quest'esimio teacher admired worldwide for its preparation and the dialectic fresh and exciting. Those who know Monsignor Fisichella, and I can testify to having worked with him several times on several occasions, knows that a person is present, elastic, absolutely democratic and closer to young people. A man of high moral and human qualities that defends the position of the Catholic Church, game force, based in the concept of sanctity of life above all else. Not by the merits of the controversy, indeed, I would turn it off. Each of us has an opinion in his heart, and this must be respected, but we must realize that we can not allow violence to be again used as a gag for ideas. This reminds me of how much certain "practices" used by totalitarian regimes to turn ideas and paralyze the views. A method that is used in Italy to the contrary, ie using vulgar and violent public demonstrations to overwhelm the ideas of an "adversary" who think differently. You see, the practice is still the same, the same used against Pope Benedict XVI is not obliged to participate in the visit to La Sapienza University by a group of subversive anti-democratic. Even in Padova is going the same thing: a violent minority, prevaricating, politicized and propagandist wants to show, screaming, turning against a prominent presence on the sole ground that that presence is the mouthpiece of a thought different! Do you realize how serious?! We ViVi Padova not accept it. We do not lend to these violent protesters, indeed, to say that Monsignor Fisichella in Padua is welcome, the real city, one made of workers, mothers and children, professionals, entrepreneurs and volunteers will be happy to hear his plain words and straightforward, without prior discussion and nauseating political purposes only. Dear lord, is in Padua, let these young students are rowdy sfoghino against you, know that they represent nothing but themselves, hoarse with slogans is vulgar, violent, and so superficial as to be ashamed of the last of the ignorant!

Filippo Bruno di Padova Tornaforte
President ViVi!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Buying Australian Reptiles


unprepared Groups of volunteers have poured in neighborhoods, often dangerous, in our cities without adequate preparation.

Finally, the government has legalized the Ronde, eh yeah, now with a beautiful yellow vest and a lot of good will you can become a volunteer "rondaiolo. Results? Bad! Slaps, blows, insults, and especially so for this or that newspaper advertising organizing committee and very little substance. Well, we're the usual! Although this idea is exploited for political purposes behind the citizenship. Having said that I would simply point out two things. The first is technical: one can not think of sending groups of people into the fray in the neighborhoods of the city without adequate preparation technique that provides at least the basic elements of self-defense, first aid, together with suitable equipment including an easily identifiable uniform to serve as a deterrent to the intruders. Minister Zaia Council to think about before proposing to "bring the mothers" in ronda! The question of the preparation of the volunteers could easily be overcome by taking "a dowry" the organizational system already tested by the City Angels, we invited in Padua last December, or the experience of the League. Both organizations have training courses for volunteers. I wonder why no one has organized a real propaganda during launching only initiatives in the area? Secondly, it is unacceptable to the usual claims of individuals campaigning on social centers bother even "Waving hands" against the volunteer patrols? Gallob not comment because of the acts speak for themselves. Are appalled by the actions of the "lady" Daniela Ruffini who holds the office of Councillor for the City and Immigration House of Padua. I say we realize? This person is paid by our citizens and instead of the interests of Padua has become complicit in one of the most nefarious pro immigration policies favoring migrants in Italy than the Padua. Result? Scum everywhere and a few houses in Padua so that there is no longer a quiet, well-inhabited city building! More than Councillor House and Immigration might be called "Councillor Protection of Immigrants." But what is really intolerable is the way this councilor is allowed to take part in demonstrations to defend the thugs and illegal immigrants are going against the peaceful initiatives of the committee of citizens motivated by fear of Padua for the current situation which is increasingly out of control. Situation that its nefarious policies of Ruffini helped to create and develop. Moral of the story? Always that dear Padovani, the City is powerless, stationary, comatose: the wars of spritz, degradation, fear, the patrols, the committees, the fights, all of which there would be if there was a serious and competent administrative policy of the city that our "brave" Mayor has failed to implement five years of administration! Well, let me tell you, it's time for a breath of fresh air in the Palazzo Moroni ...

Filippo Bruno di Padova Tornaforte
President ViVi!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Pokemon Ruby Cheats Mac


The reasons, not football, for which Padua is in "C".

I admit, I understand a little football, but I'm a fan of Padova for two reasons: first because is the team of my city, so it's in my heart, the second because it is the team for which my grandfather, Puggina Marino, has spent more than ten years of life with immense sacrifices, economic and others, bringing in Serie A. This year, Padova is about to start celebrations for its centenary and I think the Padua as a gift deserve a better promotion of Padova in Serie B. I read the letter that he wrote to President Marcello Cestaro Padovani, I understand, I know how he feels: I remember the despair you feel at home when the team was not producing the desired results, but I remember the strength and vigor with which my grandfather reacted by pushing ahead with all: managers, players and coach! It was not granted Slide! So, while I understand Cestaro, I believe that an analysis should be done. Il Calcio Padova is unable to get back on top not because of the inability of this or quell'allenatore, not the mediocrity of his good play of athletes in truth can not "take off" for lack of a solid business plan and a network of high-level are required to get the promotion. What is missing in the Calcio Padova is just that. Think about the intertwined relations during the presidency Puggina Calcio Padova: Agreements were signed with AC Milan and Juventus. There were players such as Demetrio Albertini and Alessandro Del Piero. The President himself he devoted himself assiduously to tighten alliances at the highest level, the proof is that he arrived at the top of the Football League with the position of Deputy Chairman observed even after the exit from Calcio Padova. I would therefore emphasize this lack not so much to criticize President Cestaro, indeed! I sincerely believe that there is a desire to go to Serie B, that is why, dear fans, I urge the President to begin a process similar to that by my grandfather. Dear President, the promotion, I believe, deserves the team and the fans deserve it, let me, especially this city that deserve it should not have to tolerate a mediocre football team in the league militant third series.

Filippo Bruno of Tornaforte
President ViVi Padova!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

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San Gaetano Beaburg of Padua? ... Like making fools of themselves with the money of the citizens.

Like any Padua in the last days I noticed an inordinate buy advertisements on various local newspapers by the municipality of Padua. The page of "official information" contained a series of news regarding the opening of Centro San Gaetano / Altinate, but what made me laugh is the "Rule" signed by Mayor Flavio Zanon that it appeared to me as "an ode the San Gaetano. " The Mayor is lavish in praise for this structure which was defined as "the cultural heart of Padua" leading to the debates and sponsored events there in recent months. Well, I note that our mayor has a very personal perception of what culture is! E 'host culture may moderate the debates made by municipal councilors on issues of little interest let alone the general culture? It 'a culture of self-referential show on architectural feats designed by the local authority for the city area?
E 'culture debate "pre-election" who wants to forcibly compare Barcelona to Turin and Padua in both? It seems to me little. If we had to spend more than double what was expected, ie 20 million euro against under 8:30, for a another convention center then "laugh to keep from crying." Getting to compare the San Gaetano Beauburg to Paris seems to me an exaggeration rather than a true comedy of Goldoni's memory. I mean, do you remember things the Beauburg? What does the visitor? Other discussions that the councilor "x" or the mayor "y". Nothing but a wretched show of "rubbish Architectural futuristic and expensive! At Beauburg culture is alive! Dear friends, the San Gaetano is nothing! It 'an expensive box color unusually grigietto that remembers everything out that the traditions of Padua. It 's a huge expense and absurd because it lacks soul and future. So instead of "stain to" with the money of us taxpaying citizens, the Mayor should make a "cultural leap" may be too high for some, and provide the city with a real project, starting from the culture and art, to enliven the city. Maybe you will inspire the real Beauburg, because he likes the axiom international. For example, the San Gaetano could be the heart of a true culture of the district where you fit events, exhibitions, workshops of artists and artisans, museums, restaurants, local innovation, in short, a true heart open until late at night to give Padova and what did not really bring a piece of Paris in Veneto.

Filippo Bruno di Padova Tornaforte
President ViVi!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

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In a few years have been thrown to the wind, tens of millions of euro that could be used to solve many pressing problems of the city.

In the predicament in which we are in the throes of a "tsunami of violence", has raised a chorus of accusations against the administration of Mayor Zanon who did not take appropriate steps to stem the causes of the security crisis . Among the harshest accusers here we are of "ViVi Padova" we have often asked both immediate and effective actions to the municipal administration and the government. I must say quite frankly that has left us speechless one of many "excuses" behind which lies the city: from the "palace" have hinted several times that it had sufficient funds to support an effective fight against the degradation of the city. Beyond the fact that much guilt is just the Mayor who has accepted an absurd political connivance between his supporters and the areas close to centers that protect scattered and irregular migrants, this response has inspired us to do some "flea" to accounts of the Municipality, especially those of the last years of "management" by the Government Zanon. From this analysis, it appears as a little disconcerting to say. The Municipality of funds he had, and even several! Unfortunately, however, has thrown away many millions € thanks to the carelessness with which they left rise the accounts of public works such as the San Gaetano, road works, works of the Tram, consulting projects, such as the Auditorium, until you reach the absurd with the millions of euro in lost Crack Lehman.
Why, then we are all fools in Padua! We were unable to pay even a mini national army and instead thought to be the barrel of gas! In fact, the figures do not add, an example? Here it is: The San Gaetano / Altinate appears that an estimate of eight million euro reached a total expenditure of nearly fifteen million euro. In short, approximately seven million Euros thrown to the wind. Another esempietto? Here it is: if we look at the Crack Lehman to add seven million with the San Gaetano thrown four million and, without looking at the twenty other budget items, we have written more than ten million Euros spent in vain. If I wanted I could go on with many other works came without a struggle to count well over twenty million euro wasted. What, dear Padua, may appear "normal" in some cities in the south where they are used to having someone, such as the Veneto, which is concerned to plug the gap of public budgets. E 'instead intolerable that happen right here at home in the land of common sense! You know, at my house I have always taught not to waste the money. Basically I have always said that the parsimony is a necessary quality for any good family man, businessman, contractor or craftsman. Do you think that would end our small or large business if we used the "method local" to manage our money! So if we citizens are not economical because it must also be a public administrator who is in charge of our money? These millions of euro of who I am? Am I Zanon or are citizens of Padua who pay taxes? Dear fellow citizens, we know the answer, that money is ours! Point! We who bend over backwards to make ends meet at home, bar, shop or company can not accept that these people who govern us throw our taxes, which often pay for depriving us of a holiday or some whim! The next Mayor of Padua must demonstrate that they have in mind what it means to be thrifty. Indeed, immediately inform the next candidate to test date to be thrifty in managing money or else forget our vote! Think about how many things you could do with all those millions of euro wasted by Zanon, you could clean up entire areas of Padua. Create meeting places for young people and families by revitalizing neighborhoods, they could start work for a large car park and downtown, could create a team of vigilantes to send home the thugs and illegal immigrants and maybe you could also lower by a few points ICI. I mean you could do many beautiful things that have not been made because of yet another serious failure of this administration disaster: the lack of thrift!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

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And here we go again, another week of passion for all of us citizens of this Padova assaulted by all sorts of criminals. House robberies in the neighborhoods, the violence on young people in the peaceful streets of the city, drug dealers and prostitutes everywhere. Despite the alarming signals in recent weeks the tired city administration has been in her usual state of confusion: blocked, numb, ineffective ... The emergence of proposals for their security have been made many for the most valid and enforceable: the "Ronde" at the League's Safety Committee to the actions of the committees. With ViVi Padova we pushed government-level posters will finally be brought to a Padova Safety Committee sponsored by Interior Minister Maroni which will sit well in public administration and government bodies in the city, neighborhood representatives and traders . A committee that does what the mayor has never namely urgently start line of the "Zero Tolerance". It is worth noting that all these laudable initiatives are the result of the efforts of private citizens, they are grouped in committees or associations. Appears now the glaring absence of the Mayor of the City and especially Zanon, which should represent the requests of citizens and ready to find solutions to issues in which they incur every day.

Zanon say that he behaved in a totally inappropriate is repetitive and simplistic. I think the Mayor, with the total lack of decisions and decisive actions, he has been guilty of that state to the city. Just a sgaurdo the laws governing the functioning of the municipalities to find the responsibilities of the First Citizen. I think you might even find a good motivation for the Paduan can come together to promote a "Class Action" against the Municipal Administration for the damage it has caused to the city, the lives of residents, traders and highly prejudiced in his own image. I refer of course to all those who have been victims of rampant crime, residents and non-up to the merchants who are on the verge of bankruptcy for the management of scellarata Old Town. The Mayor has literally undermined Padova. We want to make a short list of his "achievements" in five years of "work"? Good: he left a free hand to the escalating violence with hordes of illegal immigrants, criminals, bullies of the social centers, and all sorts of fools. He achieved "commendable" result of killing the Old Town, making them inaccessible place "because of incorrect handling of ZTL, and the total lack of parking spaces, producing the economic crisis of the businesses forced to close, and has also facilitated the abnormal growth of shopping malls. It made all the unsafe neighborhoods whose residents have been found abandoned in situations of degradation and crime "spread" throughout the city infamous for addressing the problem of street Rings. He has wasted public money with the financial maneuvers "Lehman." He supported the creation of the North African enclaves of doubtful regularity, giving the entire areas of the city to leave their camps proliferated business "ETIN" unrespectable entire neighborhoods that have made even causing the collapse in property values \u200b\u200bPadua. Approved and supported the construction of a mosque in the heart of Padua directional. Has undermined the social and cultural role of Padua slipped in line with all national rankings and more. I mean even if you want you could reach such a disastrous outcome.

Padova If it were a corporation and the shareholders we citizens would have already fired a long time our "CEO Zanon! But now, dear fellow citizens there are more stories! Between four months to vote and it is high time to use our power, the only one that remains: the vote. Let's use to give a sound lesson in this Municipality, which is a warning to future administrators. Is still our sense of frustration in having seen Padova ruin, but, let me, we are also angry because nothing has been done by the opposition. We are facing a distressing inadequacy of PDL policy that makes us cringe because absent and no programs! But you know, politics in the PDL is made of "Villa Villa" and "building in the palace," not the neighborhoods and listening to people ... So we citizens must remain among those who are suspended? I would say no, come on then roll up our sleeves, along with all the associations, committees and willing, that the Paduan civic consciousness wakes up and proceeds to form a program and a candidate who comes from the people and not by the Palaces! Is also counting on all of us ViVi Padova!

Filippo Bruno di Padova Tornaforte
President ViVi!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

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between PD and PDL, the "logical illogical" to leave the field POLICY TO NATIONAL

analyzing the situation in the city of Padua have repeatedly criticized the mediocrity of the person who administers many, dare I say too many years. But today I have no intention of wasting time in commenting on the "exploits" of our Mayor, I want to turn my attention to the "wonderful acrobatics "of the opposition consists of the PDL of the galaxy. When you are in front of such a disaster, produced by the lack of skills and strategies of the majority, it would seem obvious appeal to the proactive role of the Opposition. Well, in our case but we do not find any good thing in the Padua area of \u200b\u200bpolitics. Neither majority nor opposition have done nothing to improve the terrible situation in which it was thrown Padova. I am a little embarrassed to note, with some exceptions, the level "child" with which the moderates in the PDL have managed their role in the City Council: divided and ineffective! Furthermore, it seems tragic to note that, in few months before the elections, despite the evident dissatisfaction of citizens, this political party is unable to propose a serious project for Padua. Who will solve the crime? That proposals for the revival of trade? What ideas do to protect your family? What prospects for the role of Padua? Well ... ... no mention of the PDL are all so busy itself as "an alternative to Zanon who did not even say a word about their proposals for the future of the Town! So, who is "a candidate to be candidate for mayor" should justify why we should prefer it to someone else within the same camp! I mean why would we prefer to Bordin Marin? O Avruscio to Salmon? Or, as I know, Newfoundland Godfrey? I say, but these guys have never given us their ideas for reviving the city? They have never done anything about it? They solve our daily problems? I leave you the answer. In my humble opinion, it is clear that all the "souls" of the PDL are trying to emerge for supremacy at the expense of our citizens! It is also clear that "who's boss", in Rome or Arcore course, not the least line of what is happening in Padua. ... And then say that people hate politics ... and what to expect?! All
reveals a distressing situation that is far away from logic and common sense with which we Veneti manage our family, our bar, our store or our company! Qualities that a good political leader should at least have to prepare for the election of one of the most important Italian cities. Dear friends, all of us ordinary citizens seems obvious and disturbing the abysmal distance that exists between this class and citizenship in its closed political "salons" and strong autoconvincimenti to be creepy!
But, dear Padovani, we are all fools? Since when did the city politics is done in salons? Perhaps the national one, which for decades was tainted by unhealthy habits Romanesque, but the town no! No way! Is it not true that politics is among the people? In the middle of the bed, listening to people in bars, shops, parishes and centers for the elderly and among young people? I say yes, I believe that Padua is all of us citizens. ViVi with Padua, the we have shown! Padova is not an "object" of political power, for the consumption of this class of political right and left, which has failed miserably in the task he had assigned to them. I wonder how the merchants of Old Town "killed" by four years of political idiocy can bear to be represented by persons of such a program without modesty about anything! Same thing will apply to citizens exasperated by the lack of safety and young people living in a city stupid and dying. So, like it or not but take back what belongs to us? We want to prove whether or not these politicians "living room" that we are very Padua smarter than them and that we still have a pumpkin in the Venetian common sense? I say yes, and I urge everyone to move, stir, and we must be constructive, laying the foundations for the future of Padua. Padua that we build a people, with or without the help of politics!

Filippo Bruno di Padova Tornaforte
President ViVi!

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DEVELOP THE CITY 'DOES IMPROVE positives and emphasize the country in June

I read today by Paolo Giacomazzi on Gazzettino in response to my speech two days ago concerning the lack of an architectural / urban
that protects the beauty of Padua to make them more attractive to tourists and citizens. Features artistic and architectural / landscape that and, above all, about our cultural traditions, cooking, crafts and trade.

Giacon in reply clings to the fact that I think like a "grandfather" and that the city has changed (huh ... yeah!) And which is "open to the outside" and not "close in a micro gold." First of all thank you for the compliment, if young people would use more common sense of our grandparents we would live in a better Italy of course!

I do not want to steal too space and then respond quickly. No one better than me because of my profession and my constant presence in the major Western capitals, you know what it means to give a face and a Padova international role. For this we have the candidate cities to host the European Agency for Tourism, EU institution, which is why we are launching the project right from Padua Cultura Viva supported by the highest national institutions. Dear

Giacon be international and open does not mean commit "architectural and urban rubbish" with the presumption to give a face "modern" to the city. These choices are the small towns not cities of the peripheral cutting of Padua, which Shakespeare himself called "Cradle of the arts and science, "and compared it to Napoleon that" the most beautiful Italian living in the open. "

Cities like Paris, Lyon, Salzburg, Monaco, London and the same, had the courage to" restore its former glory "whole areas reconstructing the old buildings demolished, with lanterns lighting the nineteenth century, streets decorated with benches and floors from the original design of the period in which they were designed. Arriving also make special kiosks in style in keeping with the history of their city. This does not happen in Padua . For the modest capacity of directors, probably the world have visited recently and superficially.

Directors that Giacon dear, you are filling the head of nonsense by architects as "screaming," I banish from Italian soil, such as those who are intervening in Padua. We welcome the great works such as the Auditorium, the revision of the Forum Boario, but are designed so Padua in respect of his innermost being "the cradle of the arts." Only in this way will get back the international role in tourism and, above all, will continue to be the beloved home of all of us Padua and the millions of tourists who come here precisely because of its ancient beauty.

Filippo Bruno di Padova Tornaforte
President ViVi!

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January 7, 2009

Anyone who has a grandfather who embodied an important piece of the history of the twentieth century Padua, made up of business and sporting success, a grandfather who still forwarded to the new millennium, it still has the strength and clarity to convey emotions and weather can be considered extremely lucky. I'm talking about Marino Puggina, for many readers is the "Presidentissimo of Calcio Padova in Serie A for the other" king of the supermarkets, for me it represents a cultural heritage, human and historical unique, and of course to be my grandfather super I want to a lot of good! Yesterday, my dear friends, I was with him through the pages of "The Morning" in which it appeared, complete with a giant picture, the new "epic" arrangement of the Prato della Valle in view of the birth of a new parking of Rabin Square. To say that we are just horrified! Whenever the council decides to put his hand to the "accommodation" in areas of the historic center is made promptly slashed the nightmare of seeing one of the most beautiful cities in Europe with operations worthy of any city in Europe. Just look at the horror of the new Piazza Cavour and newsstand worthy of a gazebo for ice cream in Riccione!
What do you think of an underground car park and you want to redevelop the area of \u200b\u200bthe old slaughterhouse goes well, you want to demolish the Appiah is already hard to swallow, but who wants to ruin Prato della Valle with "totem illuminating" and "pillars of light" to "frame" of the Square of Europe's largest and most fascinating to me it seems absurd! With these continuous blows
is literally destroying Padova. Not only as artistic beauty, dear readers, but especially if it affects the human tissue, made up of places for many of us "legendary", the most important part of our traditions that we feel deeply rooted in our hearts. In that regard, my grandfather Marino has exposed me to the book of his friend Marcon Ito "... A doctor in flight." A book which recounts with surprising clarity that was in Padua 900. In particular it focuses on its area of \u200b\u200bPrato della Valle, Santa Croce and Corso Vittorio Emanuele II. One area that "was in itself" in the life of Padua 900. In that story is indelibly the lives of many of Padua, Padua Football and development of innovative marketing. A story of people, places symbolic of commitment and dedication, and above all love for their city and its traditions. Remember when there was in Corso Vittorio Emanuele Delicatessen oven "Faggin? The Rarinantes which was just past Holy Cross in which we find ourselves in summer? Store cool, the florist Vezzù, Campetti of the inn, the "Casolin" Puggina who was a sandwich with the deleted "credit" and what about dear old Appiah? I, even thirty years old, I remember very well there. I remember the looks, the ciàcoe, the smells, the handshakes. I remember the excitement of all those who passed through Padua "and PRA" to go to the "vecio Apiana" to cheer on the curve. To hear the stories of my grandfather and Ito Marcon is melancholy because everything is slowly disappeared because of the stupidity of all of us that we have not saved. So, dear Padua, reading the amazing rubbish that the city wants to impose on the lawn is instead want to scream! This city kneeling on itself, or more provinces, or even Europe, unfaithful to their traditions; sold to international aspiration that is hard to get; donated to migrants and offenders do not understand that his strength comes from protection and the revival of its ancient traditions ! Padova wake up! Indeed svejemose tosi that Ze now! We continue our traditions, we bring back life in the neighborhoods, we should be proud of what we trying to conserve it and not change it! So let's say "Hands off the Lawn," which is not to touch it or we will azzardino barricades! I urge you, who still has the heart the feelings of love for Padua and its traditions to take a step forward and face hear one, strong in this deep connection that will take us from the past to the future, we could build a more authentic Padova and certainly stronger and more human!

Filippo Bruno di Padova Tornaforte
President ViVi!

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'S JOURNEY TO THE HOLY LAND ZANONE a diversion to draw attention away from URGENT PROBLEMS OF THE CITY '.

January 5, 2009

Reading the newspapers these days it seems that the Mayor Zanon is on a mission of extreme importance in the Holy Land. Describes the same way as a great personality engaged in international politics. Think, in Padua had a Mayor in the level of Henry Kissinger and we realized!
Yeah dear fellow citizens, while we are overwhelmed by the problems of security, economic and even risk of breaking your neck while walking the sidewalks invaded by ice and snow, not to disregard the Mayor, it goes on a mission to the Holy Land through blind support of Communion and Liberation ...
course, he can go where they please, but do it privately without trumpeting claims. The "maximum", dear Padua, joins him in his preparation of the daily diary of the mission "that we read about" the Morning. " In short, as Andreotti says: "think the worst sin is but one guesses." So we feel bad! Yes, very badly! Why Zanon use all possible techniques to mask the damage of its administration and to put smoke on the problems of Padua. Dear Zanon, we citizens have the same problems we live them, that you hide them or not!

On 30 December we have "discovered" from the pages of Il Sole 24 Ore that Padua has plummeted to 40th in the standings in the quality of life. If it is for us that we had noticed Padua for quite a while! At least us "Live Padova", so as to be fully binding on purpose.
In the same ranking it is noted that in terms of safety are inevitably close to the position of Naples. Well, that answers gave our mayor "Zanon-Kissinger? None had undertaken to organize the super mission.
I went for some errands Arcella, already on the fly, I realized a simple and obvious fact: the Arcella is no longer a residential district of Padua Veneto but a bump of some North African casbah! It was incredible to see the poor ladies walk all embarrassed and frightened looking down to avoid cross by some thugs to scare even a boxer.
I have personally escorted one that was in obvious difficulty, candidly told me "knows here no more air Ze Noantri par, if the statute sti ga Ciapa marochini! El varda no ghe Ze na Botega not even ours. Suit weird stuff. ". I wrote this sentence in the dialect because make people think.
If we read the titles of "Morning" or "Gazzettino" it is clear that immigrants and their activities, which often hide the illegal trade, have grown like wildfire from Ponte Garibaldi, near the old town, up to the whole area of \u200b\u200bthe station, going so far as to Borgomagno Arcella. The inhabitants of this very important part of Padua have found themselves having to hear "guests in their own house. There is nothing worse than walking the streets of their city being afraid of being attacked.

And the Mayor doing? Depleted the limited resources of the municipal budget to finance operations as a pirate! Why have not used this money to solve these problems? Why, dear citizens, to combat these problems is not part of its culture left!
We can not allow this degradation to continue, that the increases in delinquency and that these illegal immigrants and criminals to become masters of our city!

The fact that Padova has declined in the ranking of quality of life is yet another confirmation of what we have long known. So we take this smoke that he will throw us in the eye and say no to a mayor Zanon-4! The PD should have the courage to field a mayoral candidate who is from the base, which is close to the people. Zanon locked himself in his golden shell protected and pampered, and makes us believe that a "major international man" to hide a reality: he has failed as mayor, has wasted millions of euro, has killed the center and gave our beloved Padova immigrants and thugs!

Filippo Bruno of Tornaforte
President of "ViVi Padova"

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expressing full solidarity "ViVi Padova" Alderman Provincial Massimo Giorgetti, as happened in the Piazza delle Erbe, I take this opportunity to raise a cry of rage that I choke on my stomach for months, having been taught to express with composure. Now this is not calm enough to alleviate the frustration that grips me after the recent events occurring in our city. At the birth of Padua ViVi! had brought to the attention of the urgent need to stem the Paduan degradation and violence was increasing in our city is now emphasizing that in the grip of thugs, illegal immigrants, "no-global" and toxic of all kinds. We asked City Administration to take action urgently to curb the situation with seriousness and determination. Never in life I would have thought to read the pages of newspapers in the historical center of Padua there could be raped girls, groups of friends kicked, punched and even sweethearts ruined by a Councillor, a popular and likeable as Massimo Giorgetti kicked and punched! This is intolerable! Beyond me how the government may have granted the use of squares, for nearly four years, as the scum of the Social Centers. I do not understand how it is possible that you may believe that a fine will stop this crap. I do not understand why you do not block the continuous arrival of illegal immigrants and unsustainable and bearers of crime. I'm sorry but this is the antithesis of what is expected of those who have the honor and burden of administration of public affairs. Exactly, public affairs, that all of us! We Padua that we demand safety in our city, that we demand clean and decent, that we demand is a meeting place for young and old and not whores, illegal immigrants, drug addicts and disobedient.
So dear Mayor if he wants to find someone to inspire the confidence of his fellow citizens will inspire the former New York Mayor Giuliani that the cries of "zero tolerance" has cleaned up his town, making it the safest city in the world. Create a real coordination table with the best security experts. Start with squares kicked out all the no-global, the toxic drug dealers and illegal immigrants that if they return to their centers and if you do not have more to give them a very nice shed in the industrial zone! We begin to close down all the ethnic shops in the area of \u200b\u200bthe center including the historic area of \u200b\u200bVia Trieste, Corso del Popolo and De Gasperi. We know that in those places is especially ethnic drug dealing and illegal goods. Besides being dangerous gatherings! And ask our bishop to make an effort to find an area more suitable for modern and relevant while soup kitchens. Us restore this beautiful city for its citizens! I believe that the forthcoming municipal elections to be a real opportunity for us all Padovani to speak out to the sound of votes! No more mediocre and cowardly administrators! Never made a Padova kicks, punches, violence and drugs! At least us "Live Padova" try with all my strength to change things.

Filippo Bruno di Padova Tornaforte
President ViVi!