Wednesday, February 18, 2009

How To Return To Radioshack With No Receipt


In a few years have been thrown to the wind, tens of millions of euro that could be used to solve many pressing problems of the city.

In the predicament in which we are in the throes of a "tsunami of violence", has raised a chorus of accusations against the administration of Mayor Zanon who did not take appropriate steps to stem the causes of the security crisis . Among the harshest accusers here we are of "ViVi Padova" we have often asked both immediate and effective actions to the municipal administration and the government. I must say quite frankly that has left us speechless one of many "excuses" behind which lies the city: from the "palace" have hinted several times that it had sufficient funds to support an effective fight against the degradation of the city. Beyond the fact that much guilt is just the Mayor who has accepted an absurd political connivance between his supporters and the areas close to centers that protect scattered and irregular migrants, this response has inspired us to do some "flea" to accounts of the Municipality, especially those of the last years of "management" by the Government Zanon. From this analysis, it appears as a little disconcerting to say. The Municipality of funds he had, and even several! Unfortunately, however, has thrown away many millions € thanks to the carelessness with which they left rise the accounts of public works such as the San Gaetano, road works, works of the Tram, consulting projects, such as the Auditorium, until you reach the absurd with the millions of euro in lost Crack Lehman.
Why, then we are all fools in Padua! We were unable to pay even a mini national army and instead thought to be the barrel of gas! In fact, the figures do not add, an example? Here it is: The San Gaetano / Altinate appears that an estimate of eight million euro reached a total expenditure of nearly fifteen million euro. In short, approximately seven million Euros thrown to the wind. Another esempietto? Here it is: if we look at the Crack Lehman to add seven million with the San Gaetano thrown four million and, without looking at the twenty other budget items, we have written more than ten million Euros spent in vain. If I wanted I could go on with many other works came without a struggle to count well over twenty million euro wasted. What, dear Padua, may appear "normal" in some cities in the south where they are used to having someone, such as the Veneto, which is concerned to plug the gap of public budgets. E 'instead intolerable that happen right here at home in the land of common sense! You know, at my house I have always taught not to waste the money. Basically I have always said that the parsimony is a necessary quality for any good family man, businessman, contractor or craftsman. Do you think that would end our small or large business if we used the "method local" to manage our money! So if we citizens are not economical because it must also be a public administrator who is in charge of our money? These millions of euro of who I am? Am I Zanon or are citizens of Padua who pay taxes? Dear fellow citizens, we know the answer, that money is ours! Point! We who bend over backwards to make ends meet at home, bar, shop or company can not accept that these people who govern us throw our taxes, which often pay for depriving us of a holiday or some whim! The next Mayor of Padua must demonstrate that they have in mind what it means to be thrifty. Indeed, immediately inform the next candidate to test date to be thrifty in managing money or else forget our vote! Think about how many things you could do with all those millions of euro wasted by Zanon, you could clean up entire areas of Padua. Create meeting places for young people and families by revitalizing neighborhoods, they could start work for a large car park and downtown, could create a team of vigilantes to send home the thugs and illegal immigrants and maybe you could also lower by a few points ICI. I mean you could do many beautiful things that have not been made because of yet another serious failure of this administration disaster: the lack of thrift!


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