Thursday, February 26, 2009

Premiere Pro 1.5 Seriennummer


San Gaetano Beaburg of Padua? ... Like making fools of themselves with the money of the citizens.

Like any Padua in the last days I noticed an inordinate buy advertisements on various local newspapers by the municipality of Padua. The page of "official information" contained a series of news regarding the opening of Centro San Gaetano / Altinate, but what made me laugh is the "Rule" signed by Mayor Flavio Zanon that it appeared to me as "an ode the San Gaetano. " The Mayor is lavish in praise for this structure which was defined as "the cultural heart of Padua" leading to the debates and sponsored events there in recent months. Well, I note that our mayor has a very personal perception of what culture is! E 'host culture may moderate the debates made by municipal councilors on issues of little interest let alone the general culture? It 'a culture of self-referential show on architectural feats designed by the local authority for the city area?
E 'culture debate "pre-election" who wants to forcibly compare Barcelona to Turin and Padua in both? It seems to me little. If we had to spend more than double what was expected, ie 20 million euro against under 8:30, for a another convention center then "laugh to keep from crying." Getting to compare the San Gaetano Beauburg to Paris seems to me an exaggeration rather than a true comedy of Goldoni's memory. I mean, do you remember things the Beauburg? What does the visitor? Other discussions that the councilor "x" or the mayor "y". Nothing but a wretched show of "rubbish Architectural futuristic and expensive! At Beauburg culture is alive! Dear friends, the San Gaetano is nothing! It 'an expensive box color unusually grigietto that remembers everything out that the traditions of Padua. It 's a huge expense and absurd because it lacks soul and future. So instead of "stain to" with the money of us taxpaying citizens, the Mayor should make a "cultural leap" may be too high for some, and provide the city with a real project, starting from the culture and art, to enliven the city. Maybe you will inspire the real Beauburg, because he likes the axiom international. For example, the San Gaetano could be the heart of a true culture of the district where you fit events, exhibitions, workshops of artists and artisans, museums, restaurants, local innovation, in short, a true heart open until late at night to give Padova and what did not really bring a piece of Paris in Veneto.

Filippo Bruno di Padova Tornaforte
President ViVi!


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