Tuesday, February 10, 2009

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expressing full solidarity "ViVi Padova" Alderman Provincial Massimo Giorgetti, as happened in the Piazza delle Erbe, I take this opportunity to raise a cry of rage that I choke on my stomach for months, having been taught to express with composure. Now this is not calm enough to alleviate the frustration that grips me after the recent events occurring in our city. At the birth of Padua ViVi! had brought to the attention of the urgent need to stem the Paduan degradation and violence was increasing in our city is now emphasizing that in the grip of thugs, illegal immigrants, "no-global" and toxic of all kinds. We asked City Administration to take action urgently to curb the situation with seriousness and determination. Never in life I would have thought to read the pages of newspapers in the historical center of Padua there could be raped girls, groups of friends kicked, punched and even sweethearts ruined by a Councillor, a popular and likeable as Massimo Giorgetti kicked and punched! This is intolerable! Beyond me how the government may have granted the use of squares, for nearly four years, as the scum of the Social Centers. I do not understand how it is possible that you may believe that a fine will stop this crap. I do not understand why you do not block the continuous arrival of illegal immigrants and unsustainable and bearers of crime. I'm sorry but this is the antithesis of what is expected of those who have the honor and burden of administration of public affairs. Exactly, public affairs, that all of us! We Padua that we demand safety in our city, that we demand clean and decent, that we demand is a meeting place for young and old and not whores, illegal immigrants, drug addicts and disobedient.
So dear Mayor if he wants to find someone to inspire the confidence of his fellow citizens will inspire the former New York Mayor Giuliani that the cries of "zero tolerance" has cleaned up his town, making it the safest city in the world. Create a real coordination table with the best security experts. Start with squares kicked out all the no-global, the toxic drug dealers and illegal immigrants that if they return to their centers and if you do not have more to give them a very nice shed in the industrial zone! We begin to close down all the ethnic shops in the area of \u200b\u200bthe center including the historic area of \u200b\u200bVia Trieste, Corso del Popolo and De Gasperi. We know that in those places is especially ethnic drug dealing and illegal goods. Besides being dangerous gatherings! And ask our bishop to make an effort to find an area more suitable for modern and relevant while soup kitchens. Us restore this beautiful city for its citizens! I believe that the forthcoming municipal elections to be a real opportunity for us all Padovani to speak out to the sound of votes! No more mediocre and cowardly administrators! Never made a Padova kicks, punches, violence and drugs! At least us "Live Padova" try with all my strength to change things.

Filippo Bruno di Padova Tornaforte
President ViVi!


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