Sunday, February 15, 2009

New Words Tamil Marrege



And here we go again, another week of passion for all of us citizens of this Padova assaulted by all sorts of criminals. House robberies in the neighborhoods, the violence on young people in the peaceful streets of the city, drug dealers and prostitutes everywhere. Despite the alarming signals in recent weeks the tired city administration has been in her usual state of confusion: blocked, numb, ineffective ... The emergence of proposals for their security have been made many for the most valid and enforceable: the "Ronde" at the League's Safety Committee to the actions of the committees. With ViVi Padova we pushed government-level posters will finally be brought to a Padova Safety Committee sponsored by Interior Minister Maroni which will sit well in public administration and government bodies in the city, neighborhood representatives and traders . A committee that does what the mayor has never namely urgently start line of the "Zero Tolerance". It is worth noting that all these laudable initiatives are the result of the efforts of private citizens, they are grouped in committees or associations. Appears now the glaring absence of the Mayor of the City and especially Zanon, which should represent the requests of citizens and ready to find solutions to issues in which they incur every day.

Zanon say that he behaved in a totally inappropriate is repetitive and simplistic. I think the Mayor, with the total lack of decisions and decisive actions, he has been guilty of that state to the city. Just a sgaurdo the laws governing the functioning of the municipalities to find the responsibilities of the First Citizen. I think you might even find a good motivation for the Paduan can come together to promote a "Class Action" against the Municipal Administration for the damage it has caused to the city, the lives of residents, traders and highly prejudiced in his own image. I refer of course to all those who have been victims of rampant crime, residents and non-up to the merchants who are on the verge of bankruptcy for the management of scellarata Old Town. The Mayor has literally undermined Padova. We want to make a short list of his "achievements" in five years of "work"? Good: he left a free hand to the escalating violence with hordes of illegal immigrants, criminals, bullies of the social centers, and all sorts of fools. He achieved "commendable" result of killing the Old Town, making them inaccessible place "because of incorrect handling of ZTL, and the total lack of parking spaces, producing the economic crisis of the businesses forced to close, and has also facilitated the abnormal growth of shopping malls. It made all the unsafe neighborhoods whose residents have been found abandoned in situations of degradation and crime "spread" throughout the city infamous for addressing the problem of street Rings. He has wasted public money with the financial maneuvers "Lehman." He supported the creation of the North African enclaves of doubtful regularity, giving the entire areas of the city to leave their camps proliferated business "ETIN" unrespectable entire neighborhoods that have made even causing the collapse in property values \u200b\u200bPadua. Approved and supported the construction of a mosque in the heart of Padua directional. Has undermined the social and cultural role of Padua slipped in line with all national rankings and more. I mean even if you want you could reach such a disastrous outcome.

Padova If it were a corporation and the shareholders we citizens would have already fired a long time our "CEO Zanon! But now, dear fellow citizens there are more stories! Between four months to vote and it is high time to use our power, the only one that remains: the vote. Let's use to give a sound lesson in this Municipality, which is a warning to future administrators. Is still our sense of frustration in having seen Padova ruin, but, let me, we are also angry because nothing has been done by the opposition. We are facing a distressing inadequacy of PDL policy that makes us cringe because absent and no programs! But you know, politics in the PDL is made of "Villa Villa" and "building in the palace," not the neighborhoods and listening to people ... So we citizens must remain among those who are suspended? I would say no, come on then roll up our sleeves, along with all the associations, committees and willing, that the Paduan civic consciousness wakes up and proceeds to form a program and a candidate who comes from the people and not by the Palaces! Is also counting on all of us ViVi Padova!

Filippo Bruno di Padova Tornaforte
President ViVi!


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