Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Does Hypothyroid Cause Hyperhidrosis


between PD and PDL, the "logical illogical" to leave the field POLICY TO NATIONAL

analyzing the situation in the city of Padua have repeatedly criticized the mediocrity of the person who administers many, dare I say too many years. But today I have no intention of wasting time in commenting on the "exploits" of our Mayor, I want to turn my attention to the "wonderful acrobatics "of the opposition consists of the PDL of the galaxy. When you are in front of such a disaster, produced by the lack of skills and strategies of the majority, it would seem obvious appeal to the proactive role of the Opposition. Well, in our case but we do not find any good thing in the Padua area of \u200b\u200bpolitics. Neither majority nor opposition have done nothing to improve the terrible situation in which it was thrown Padova. I am a little embarrassed to note, with some exceptions, the level "child" with which the moderates in the PDL have managed their role in the City Council: divided and ineffective! Furthermore, it seems tragic to note that, in few months before the elections, despite the evident dissatisfaction of citizens, this political party is unable to propose a serious project for Padua. Who will solve the crime? That proposals for the revival of trade? What ideas do to protect your family? What prospects for the role of Padua? Well ... ... no mention of the PDL are all so busy itself as "an alternative to Zanon who did not even say a word about their proposals for the future of the Town! So, who is "a candidate to be candidate for mayor" should justify why we should prefer it to someone else within the same camp! I mean why would we prefer to Bordin Marin? O Avruscio to Salmon? Or, as I know, Newfoundland Godfrey? I say, but these guys have never given us their ideas for reviving the city? They have never done anything about it? They solve our daily problems? I leave you the answer. In my humble opinion, it is clear that all the "souls" of the PDL are trying to emerge for supremacy at the expense of our citizens! It is also clear that "who's boss", in Rome or Arcore course, not the least line of what is happening in Padua. ... And then say that people hate politics ... and what to expect?! All
reveals a distressing situation that is far away from logic and common sense with which we Veneti manage our family, our bar, our store or our company! Qualities that a good political leader should at least have to prepare for the election of one of the most important Italian cities. Dear friends, all of us ordinary citizens seems obvious and disturbing the abysmal distance that exists between this class and citizenship in its closed political "salons" and strong autoconvincimenti to be creepy!
But, dear Padovani, we are all fools? Since when did the city politics is done in salons? Perhaps the national one, which for decades was tainted by unhealthy habits Romanesque, but the town no! No way! Is it not true that politics is among the people? In the middle of the bed, listening to people in bars, shops, parishes and centers for the elderly and among young people? I say yes, I believe that Padua is all of us citizens. ViVi with Padua, the we have shown! Padova is not an "object" of political power, for the consumption of this class of political right and left, which has failed miserably in the task he had assigned to them. I wonder how the merchants of Old Town "killed" by four years of political idiocy can bear to be represented by persons of such a program without modesty about anything! Same thing will apply to citizens exasperated by the lack of safety and young people living in a city stupid and dying. So, like it or not but take back what belongs to us? We want to prove whether or not these politicians "living room" that we are very Padua smarter than them and that we still have a pumpkin in the Venetian common sense? I say yes, and I urge everyone to move, stir, and we must be constructive, laying the foundations for the future of Padua. Padua that we build a people, with or without the help of politics!

Filippo Bruno di Padova Tornaforte
President ViVi!


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