Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Emu Conditioner At Walmart


January 7, 2009

Anyone who has a grandfather who embodied an important piece of the history of the twentieth century Padua, made up of business and sporting success, a grandfather who still forwarded to the new millennium, it still has the strength and clarity to convey emotions and weather can be considered extremely lucky. I'm talking about Marino Puggina, for many readers is the "Presidentissimo of Calcio Padova in Serie A for the other" king of the supermarkets, for me it represents a cultural heritage, human and historical unique, and of course to be my grandfather super I want to a lot of good! Yesterday, my dear friends, I was with him through the pages of "The Morning" in which it appeared, complete with a giant picture, the new "epic" arrangement of the Prato della Valle in view of the birth of a new parking of Rabin Square. To say that we are just horrified! Whenever the council decides to put his hand to the "accommodation" in areas of the historic center is made promptly slashed the nightmare of seeing one of the most beautiful cities in Europe with operations worthy of any city in Europe. Just look at the horror of the new Piazza Cavour and newsstand worthy of a gazebo for ice cream in Riccione!
What do you think of an underground car park and you want to redevelop the area of \u200b\u200bthe old slaughterhouse goes well, you want to demolish the Appiah is already hard to swallow, but who wants to ruin Prato della Valle with "totem illuminating" and "pillars of light" to "frame" of the Square of Europe's largest and most fascinating to me it seems absurd! With these continuous blows
is literally destroying Padova. Not only as artistic beauty, dear readers, but especially if it affects the human tissue, made up of places for many of us "legendary", the most important part of our traditions that we feel deeply rooted in our hearts. In that regard, my grandfather Marino has exposed me to the book of his friend Marcon Ito "... A doctor in flight." A book which recounts with surprising clarity that was in Padua 900. In particular it focuses on its area of \u200b\u200bPrato della Valle, Santa Croce and Corso Vittorio Emanuele II. One area that "was in itself" in the life of Padua 900. In that story is indelibly the lives of many of Padua, Padua Football and development of innovative marketing. A story of people, places symbolic of commitment and dedication, and above all love for their city and its traditions. Remember when there was in Corso Vittorio Emanuele Delicatessen oven "Faggin? The Rarinantes which was just past Holy Cross in which we find ourselves in summer? Store cool, the florist Vezzù, Campetti of the inn, the "Casolin" Puggina who was a sandwich with the deleted "credit" and what about dear old Appiah? I, even thirty years old, I remember very well there. I remember the looks, the ciàcoe, the smells, the handshakes. I remember the excitement of all those who passed through Padua "and PRA" to go to the "vecio Apiana" to cheer on the curve. To hear the stories of my grandfather and Ito Marcon is melancholy because everything is slowly disappeared because of the stupidity of all of us that we have not saved. So, dear Padua, reading the amazing rubbish that the city wants to impose on the lawn is instead want to scream! This city kneeling on itself, or more provinces, or even Europe, unfaithful to their traditions; sold to international aspiration that is hard to get; donated to migrants and offenders do not understand that his strength comes from protection and the revival of its ancient traditions ! Padova wake up! Indeed svejemose tosi that Ze now! We continue our traditions, we bring back life in the neighborhoods, we should be proud of what we trying to conserve it and not change it! So let's say "Hands off the Lawn," which is not to touch it or we will azzardino barricades! I urge you, who still has the heart the feelings of love for Padua and its traditions to take a step forward and face hear one, strong in this deep connection that will take us from the past to the future, we could build a more authentic Padova and certainly stronger and more human!

Filippo Bruno di Padova Tornaforte
President ViVi!


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