Sunday, March 1, 2009

Buying Australian Reptiles


unprepared Groups of volunteers have poured in neighborhoods, often dangerous, in our cities without adequate preparation.

Finally, the government has legalized the Ronde, eh yeah, now with a beautiful yellow vest and a lot of good will you can become a volunteer "rondaiolo. Results? Bad! Slaps, blows, insults, and especially so for this or that newspaper advertising organizing committee and very little substance. Well, we're the usual! Although this idea is exploited for political purposes behind the citizenship. Having said that I would simply point out two things. The first is technical: one can not think of sending groups of people into the fray in the neighborhoods of the city without adequate preparation technique that provides at least the basic elements of self-defense, first aid, together with suitable equipment including an easily identifiable uniform to serve as a deterrent to the intruders. Minister Zaia Council to think about before proposing to "bring the mothers" in ronda! The question of the preparation of the volunteers could easily be overcome by taking "a dowry" the organizational system already tested by the City Angels, we invited in Padua last December, or the experience of the League. Both organizations have training courses for volunteers. I wonder why no one has organized a real propaganda during launching only initiatives in the area? Secondly, it is unacceptable to the usual claims of individuals campaigning on social centers bother even "Waving hands" against the volunteer patrols? Gallob not comment because of the acts speak for themselves. Are appalled by the actions of the "lady" Daniela Ruffini who holds the office of Councillor for the City and Immigration House of Padua. I say we realize? This person is paid by our citizens and instead of the interests of Padua has become complicit in one of the most nefarious pro immigration policies favoring migrants in Italy than the Padua. Result? Scum everywhere and a few houses in Padua so that there is no longer a quiet, well-inhabited city building! More than Councillor House and Immigration might be called "Councillor Protection of Immigrants." But what is really intolerable is the way this councilor is allowed to take part in demonstrations to defend the thugs and illegal immigrants are going against the peaceful initiatives of the committee of citizens motivated by fear of Padua for the current situation which is increasingly out of control. Situation that its nefarious policies of Ruffini helped to create and develop. Moral of the story? Always that dear Padovani, the City is powerless, stationary, comatose: the wars of spritz, degradation, fear, the patrols, the committees, the fights, all of which there would be if there was a serious and competent administrative policy of the city that our "brave" Mayor has failed to implement five years of administration! Well, let me tell you, it's time for a breath of fresh air in the Palazzo Moroni ...

Filippo Bruno di Padova Tornaforte
President ViVi!


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