Thursday, August 20, 2009

Age Of King 2.0 No Cd



The statements of Senator Stiffoni are the classic provocation propaganda typical of the Northern League. I join in the criticism instead of Felice Casson set out today on the statements by Giampaolo Gobbo.

Stiffoni you can say that the fallen of the Great War was a sacrifice on behalf of the aims of the House of Savoy, perhaps Stiffoni not remember that going to war, debated at length, was democratically approved by the Italian Parliament by May 21, 1915 407 votes in favor, 74 against and 1 abstention in the House and 281 out of 281 votes in the Senate.

Speaking of the fallen in this way is direct insult to all those who gave their lives in the name of the Fatherland. It 'also false to say that Trent and Trieste would have been obtained without war. We know that it took months to bring the Allies to this position in favor of Italy. Certainly the Savoy were at the forefront of fighters with the soldiers. Just those fighters who coined the nickname for Vittorio Emanuele III King of Soldier.

On then to the League This fantasy of "plebiscite fraud" in describing the operations of the 1866 annexation of Venice to the Kingdom of Italy with data in hand I can say that this is an excuse we all know that at the time democracy had "different approaches". It 'just remember that the popular vote did not exist. Neither the empire of Austria-Hungary, in the Veneto was part of the Kingdom of Lombardy-Veneto, nor democraticissima of post-revolutionary France of Napoleon III.

was rather strong, very strong indeed, the thrust unit, which resulted in the Risorgimento, which had its own in Venice and Padua its main centers. How can we forget that they saw the uprisings in Padua with its epicenter Coffee Pedrocchi and the University? It 's all forgotten in the Veneta Land? I do not think, certainly the House of Savoy had a central role not by choice. This was because in the Italian Peninsula was the only country to have given the people a democratic system with a parliament, one of the first in Europe, a democratic constitution, with the Statuto Albertino, a system of international relations of the first level and a level of infrastructure development and very advanced.

plebiscites, Stiffoni dear, the events were important: "facts" for the time when democrats took place. Read as one reads the actual vote would be a grave historical error, and above all a sign of bad faith.

It 's amazing that the league does not realize that the continuing attacks against the unification of Italy is a boomerang because it exposes the true aims of this deployment, which are not certain interests of the citizens!


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