Thursday, April 23, 2009

Differnace Between Xanax And Xanax Bars

the PDL, the candidate and the unarmed citizens

the PDL, the candidate and the unarmed citizens
Story of a party away from the demands of citizenship.

Confirmation of Mayor Candidate PDL Padova came at 18:34 after months unnerving expectations. This is the "Brambilla" Marco Marin, in spite of the work and commitment of many party members far more deserving as Senator and Attorney Saia. Menorello.
I say it is unknown and not very busy because, despite a Councillor and Town Councillor, there is no trace of activity relevant to the good of Padua in any local archives and even on his website, the Association Padua, so that his last trip was in October 2008 ... no comment ...

At this point it is right to emphasize the failure of this great new party in finding able-bodied men, without taking anything away from Marin, to represent a true revival project for Padova of the next five years. Especially evident is the lack of a charismatic leader able to beat the challenger Zanon.

I want to emphasize an aspect that is particularly important when choosing of its candidate won the PDL did not take into account the minimum needs of citizens dele Padua, in defiance of the principle of internal democracy and the value of Election. Instead, it lost precious months burning the first one and then the other name of reaching a month from the elections with a weak candidate, little known and active citizenship.

This nauseating and the continuing internal disputes arising from the division of roles and "squares" according to political logic totally alien to the interests of the city of Padua. This reflection serves as constructive criticism against a political party born a month ago already lame.

As for us is always ViVi Padova the rule that must be borne by the best program that you really can start the rebirth of the city based on the certainty to the revitalization of culture and commerce. We do not exclude, therefore, proceed beyond the sides with a serious program prepared by international experts and supported by the seriousness of our leaders and members who came, thank God, not by politics but by civil society Padua.


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