Monday, June 23, 2008

Welcome Letters To Visitors From Church

I started a new job that will only last two weeks: it is to transfer the contents Site CANCER INSTITUTE OF MILAN (alas sad topic!) from an old format to a nuovoIl place is quiet, close to home (where I almost went to high school!).
Meanwhile, I continue to look around two weeks and now is little point in much longer periods.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Salomon Helmet Ear Pads Audio

Yesterday there was a concert of modern music!
I can not really complain because it's gone okay with this for the time we finished the essays.
In September we start again!
Gianko gave us homework for the holidays: the construction of agreements on the various degrees of the major scales ...... HELP !!!!!!


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Some Of The Superstition


This canvas is a friend of mine who asked me to publish it.
He dubbed the web of Penelope, he says that the confetti did not end more, despite having a lot of clerical workers has managed to stitch it in time to make a gift to his father for his birthday.

this, but she had begun four years ago and now dwells on the wall of his house opposite the entrance door

Monday, June 9, 2008

Fix Leather Sofa Cushions Sewn Together


...... finally, one is gone.
Tonight I played all right and it is anatomical, everyone was happy and I was all happy that everyone was happy! Teacher
happy, happy mothers, fathers happy, PERFORMING RIGHT HAPPY!
Mendelshon (remember that I do not know the location of H) came very well my mother was really amazed! Pure Scarlatti, despite some small mistake that has been recovered, it went well.

WOWOWOWO hours I have to do the and next year we finished!!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Kate Ground Full Galleries

I present my mother in ARLEQUIN version

He was waiting in the wings, made a representation to be a work of Goldoni: was very good and well everyone else.
Unfortunately, this is the only photo that I could do because where I was sitting not reuse well to frame the stage (I had a lot of heads in front!)
They also recited poems and 18.00, after three hours of entertainment about, it was all over.

At 19.00 I had an appointment at my sister's house for a dinner with friends (here you can see the image taken before have dinner ...... it took me 3 hours to start the timer!)

From right anti-clockwise: my sister Paola, the owner Silvia's husband Gianluca Paola, Silvia, Paul, Dino

My sister and I cooked really well and so well: baked pasta, sandwiches, roast, and sweet fruit (of which facilitate a Photo for the sweet tooth!)

These strawberries with lemon .... What a delight!

BRAVA Silya And thanks again for the wonderful evening we had together

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Can You Put Eye Cream On Eyelids

Here I am again writing.

time has given me just respite for the 20-minute ride that I did it: IT'S RAINING AGAIN!
was a bit 'who does not run so I decided that I would have taken over earlier this month with scheduling training.
order to get back to racing my 40 minutes I have to proceed step by step: 06/02/2008

15 minutes (it was the first day and then there was moisture on the ball)

03/06/2008 I did spring for the legs than 200 squeeze (inner thigh)

06/04/2008 20 minutes (better than 5 minutes)

What do you think I'll manage to recover and perhaps even exceed my limit of 40 minutes?

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Draonball Z Bulma Doujin

Monday approaches and with it the rate of piano!
fact today is the last lesson before the test
perform two classical pieces: a sonata by Scarlatti (a piece for harpsichord) and a novel without words Mendelshon (I always put the question of where does the H)
The following Monday I expect the rate of modern music I must place a piece if not absolutely Gianko the listener, I'm afraid most of this essay is not the first
Of course the first pieces I get the second, not playing alone, I have the catch of dvoer GO TIME WITH OTHERS! (E'FONDMENTALE!)
I always go by the lessons of modern dazed by the guitarist who plays next to me and the amplifier is always the case (who knows why ...) towards my right ear .... and he enjoys pastticciare a bit 'when Gianko explains certain step to me or to the drummer .... I go out just confused ... will also be tired!