Thursday, April 23, 2009

Differnace Between Xanax And Xanax Bars

the PDL, the candidate and the unarmed citizens

the PDL, the candidate and the unarmed citizens
Story of a party away from the demands of citizenship.

Confirmation of Mayor Candidate PDL Padova came at 18:34 after months unnerving expectations. This is the "Brambilla" Marco Marin, in spite of the work and commitment of many party members far more deserving as Senator and Attorney Saia. Menorello.
I say it is unknown and not very busy because, despite a Councillor and Town Councillor, there is no trace of activity relevant to the good of Padua in any local archives and even on his website, the Association Padua, so that his last trip was in October 2008 ... no comment ...

At this point it is right to emphasize the failure of this great new party in finding able-bodied men, without taking anything away from Marin, to represent a true revival project for Padova of the next five years. Especially evident is the lack of a charismatic leader able to beat the challenger Zanon.

I want to emphasize an aspect that is particularly important when choosing of its candidate won the PDL did not take into account the minimum needs of citizens dele Padua, in defiance of the principle of internal democracy and the value of Election. Instead, it lost precious months burning the first one and then the other name of reaching a month from the elections with a weak candidate, little known and active citizenship.

This nauseating and the continuing internal disputes arising from the division of roles and "squares" according to political logic totally alien to the interests of the city of Padua. This reflection serves as constructive criticism against a political party born a month ago already lame.

As for us is always ViVi Padova the rule that must be borne by the best program that you really can start the rebirth of the city based on the certainty to the revitalization of culture and commerce. We do not exclude, therefore, proceed beyond the sides with a serious program prepared by international experts and supported by the seriousness of our leaders and members who came, thank God, not by politics but by civil society Padua.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Inflamed Gallbladder In Dog


The "big idea" of the Mayor to transform the largest square in Europe and unique in a nightclub in the open.

We missed this too reviled to our center!
After having ruined the squares and the Ghetto, barbarously tortured by hordes of drunken idiots and dazed, now the "genius" of our Mayor, Mr. Zanon, has also decided to destroy the pearl that are the envy of all Europe, Prato della Valle.
The decision, with a lot of economic allocation and involvement of unidentified music associations and cooperatives, the transformation of one of the most admired examples of eighteenth-century urban architecture in a disco. Apart from the mediocre and so incomprehensible idea to embarrass the mayor of a little town in the country, I find this unconscionable behavior that tramples, not only the rights of the residents in Prato della Valle, Padua, but of all citizens who love the beautiful architecture of our city.
If you really wanted to create a new venue for the "barbarian invasions" of the "people of spritz" afforded them the former Hole Boario Course Australia, better suited to that kind of fun. We know the consequences of mass gatherings "spritzaioli" Zanon, which controls more than five years and every week, causing fights, riots, filth and degradation.
It 's time that the Paduan realize the degree to which it is now that their mayor did Padova void in all respects: safety, violence, through culture and art.
But the fund, it seems, has not been touched!
We hope to "send him home" on 7 June ...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Games Recemend For Stroke Victims



The Conference on Security organized by ViVi Padova!, In collaboration with a City Committee, the Other Padua and Retired, was followed by About two hundred people in attendance and was conducted by journalist Gianni Versace.

Tornaforte Present Philip Brown, President of ViVi Padova, Alberto Claut, Secretary of ViVi Padova, Renzo Sartori and Valeria Chianglia Committee Q2 A city, Aldo Pagano of the Other Padua.

Special guests Sen. Maurizio Saia and Vice Chairman of the Board. Comunale di Milano Stefano Di Martino. Absent Hon. Giustina Right, which sent an interesting message on the issue of security, and Hon. Antonio De Poli, who has sent a greeting to all present. Very

applauded the intervention of President ViVi Padua has analyzed the situation in the city after five years of administration Zanon: "What you look at it from below or from above, from right or left, the city is at the mercy of anything. In a time when he lost the role of Padova Capital Triveneto, in which crime and degradation is rampant in every corner of the city area, where the economic crisis gripping the merchants and craftsmen. We do not find a single mention of programmatic, strategic and tactical information from any of the sides. All in Padua has become mediocre, flat on "Dots" of his administration and the opposition. "

Vice President of the City Council of Milan, Stefano Di Martino, former President of the Security Commission, explained the plan which the Lombard city has fought crime and degradation. A handbook that can well be applied also in Padua and which finds its strength in the use of the Municipal Police, which also must have specific teams dedicated to parks and neighborhood.

Alberto Claut has instead analyzed the situation of medical safety and doing a hydrogeological cross-section of warnings in 1995 and ignored by the then mayor Zanon: "In 1995, the situation in Padua on illegal immigration was a cause for concern. At the time we pushed hard to find immediate solutions. Even then he pretended nothing Zanon, fourteen years later we are in a state of crisis that the city had ever had. Do not say that the Mayor did not know! "

Tornaforte The President has also launched a number of proposals for the solution of problems related to safety: " On the security of Milan we adopt the model that focuses on redevelopment of brownfield sites in the city area in collaboration with business groups in the city. It 's very important that the city find a harmonious balance in its entire urban fabric. It should be activated a Land Protection Unit, which monitors the area and implement a systematic redevelopment project must also cover former industrial areas abandoned den of fools hours. Yes integration and zero tolerance towards illegal immigrants, thugs and criminals. Remediation of all areas with high density of ethnic businesses. Prohibition of initiation of take-away Ethnic eateries, such as kebabs, in the historic center. Review of allocations of municipal offices that will give preference to young Paduan. Ban also picnic on public space. Moving in a more soup kitchens appropriate. Promotion of Brigade and Brigade of the Parks District. Installing Emergency call the Parks and the most dangerous areas of the city. Increase in the presence of cameras. "

In the coming weeks the project will be presented for the following points:

Relaunch Trade

revitalize the role of Padova


family and Social

Culture true resource for the revitalization of the city

Philip Tornaforte concluded ringraizando Sen. Maurizio Saia for coming and for the interesting talk on his project spurring safety, in case the candidate for mayor, to use common sense, what each of us use at home.