Saturday, March 28, 2009

Detailed Bench Project Blueprints



In response to numerous inquiries to our office we decided to launch a campaign for the safety of citizens who can engage directly in Padua. In recent weeks we have met members of the City of Milan to find the actions that actually contributes to the security of citizenship.

E 'then came the Campaign for Security of the Citizen .

The first step was the creation of Handbook "The Good Habits "for the security of its citizens . A series of simple steps to follow to live safer. The leaflet also gives details of the main agencies. Police, Police, Fire, First Aid, Telefono Azzurro, Telephone Friend and Civil Protection.'ll also activated a special issue for members. (attached brochure)

The second step is the launch of Conference "Padova Together" which will be held on April 3 at 21:00 to Hell Carotta. title Conference on Security, Immigration and degradation: the experiences of organizations and citizens' committees ". The conference, sponsored by ViVi Padova, will be an opportunity to take stock on the real problems of citizenship, it will speak to the spokesmen of the committees, associations and movements of some important Paduan.
will be given detailed information on topics and participants in the coming days.

will be followed by the completion of the folding targeted at immigrants, "The Rules of Good Living" which will be reported in Italian, Chinese and Arabic standards of conduct that all Italian citizens traditionally respects and that should also be respected citizen of the immigrant.
E 'in the definition phase of the launch campaign "Here you are safe!" to which the public can join the exercises the city, applying outside the room adhesive "Here you are safe!" give you the guarantee of a place open to all citizens deserve the security of Padua.

These first steps are part of a larger project related to security, promoted by President Philip Tornaforte, which is building ViVi Padova thanks to D EPARTMENT Security and Civil Defence Suburbs directed by Cav. Alberto Claut former coordinator of the Civil Protection of Padua. The leaflet

Security "good habits" will be distributed throughout the city at 25,000 copies in all public places, offices, parishes, etc..

E 'distribution began yesterday with great success. Requests by the public exercises and there are hundreds of parishes.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Kates Playground Jean Corset Set


Two months before the elections are concerned about the lack of plans for the future of the City.

I take inspiration from intervention by Mr Iles Braghetto Gazzettino published in Padova on the exclusion of the Metropolitan Cities, which is incredible given the size, to come back on the importance of planning a development strategy of the City . In his article, the MEP Union of the Centre took the essence of the problem that is gripping Padua, and more, for nearly five years. In Padua lacks the planning for the future, there is no a real strategy to delineate the role, growth and development. This "desert administrative / planning" what is this? On many occasions I had no trouble expressing myself in a critical way both to the Administration Zanon is towards the center right of the team. Both "teams" are modest, so "Little" by not being able to reverse the inexorable trend towards degradation of every sort to which Padua was meeting.
We come then to the future that lies ahead for the city in about two months will decide the next mayor and he will also decide the "strategic plan" that will be adopted in the next five years of government. I admit my confusion. I do not understand, maybe I'm too stupid, but I do not understand! I do not understand what the future of Padova which we propose Zanon. I do not understand what that of the PDL. I see many discussions that revolve around the "electoral dimensions" of either candidate. Yesterday I followed closely the statements of Mayor Candidate Zanon released during the opening of its "listening point". Yeah, talking about how to solve the many problems of the city, too bad that you have not realized that the problems he himself created them ... In short, it is questionable whether the Mayor has the perception of reality. In my opinion it is quite clouded by the "smokescreen of power" that has been created around it. On the other hand, a mayor who does not even close to get to the Liston Hall, preferring a car with the stock, says a lot about that relationship may have with citizens. Zanon has spoken of wanting to work for young people, perhaps he was referring to the clique of misfits that have littered the streets of the old town? He spoke of the importance of giving young couples the opportunity to have a house, perhaps he was referring to the "Ruffini method" that he has used for five years giving priority to young immigrants from Padua? I could go on but I stop to look in the other "page the newspaper where the center-right rattles off the usual data that is fantastic poll lead. You know, in many interviews conducted by members of the PDL have not seen a single sentence on the government's program for Padova. I have not read anything except the usual squabbles over the candidate. Exactly, who is the candidate? It seems that after all the problem that the candidate does not concern other parties. That may be true, but at least started talking about what you would like to do to save the results Padova. We did it with ViVi Padua, can do it like a colossus PDL?! Am I wrong? So dear friends, the city is in the storm, the mayor is stunned, the PDL lunch and dinner, and we citizens? Well ... or we move or we are screwed!

Filippo Bruno di Padova Tornaforte
President ViVi!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

How To Delete The Call History On Uverse

Monsignor Fisichella A PADOVA

The context we want to gag WHO DO NOT think like them

Monsignor Rino Fisichella is undoubtedly the highest authority on matters pertaining to life. In addition to this is the Rector of one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the world, the Pontifical Lateran. The fact that he has accepted the invitation of the Foundation Marina Minnaja to attend the important conference on Bioethics is clearly a good thing that honors the role to be more decisive on the subject of Sciences of the University Patavino. Suffice it to recall that in Padua, Galileo Galilei was able to freely teach and study what was a real revolution. I think we should all be very happy to welcome Monsignor Fisichella and, above all, we should listen to his words and his point of view without necessarily drawn into debates on "TV-style" which regularly lead to controversy. This mode of communication, much like that in this Italy increasingly distant from its core values, is certainly not worthy of the traditions of Padua. That said, we understand how various student committees can afford to "cry out" against the presence of quest'esimio teacher admired worldwide for its preparation and the dialectic fresh and exciting. Those who know Monsignor Fisichella, and I can testify to having worked with him several times on several occasions, knows that a person is present, elastic, absolutely democratic and closer to young people. A man of high moral and human qualities that defends the position of the Catholic Church, game force, based in the concept of sanctity of life above all else. Not by the merits of the controversy, indeed, I would turn it off. Each of us has an opinion in his heart, and this must be respected, but we must realize that we can not allow violence to be again used as a gag for ideas. This reminds me of how much certain "practices" used by totalitarian regimes to turn ideas and paralyze the views. A method that is used in Italy to the contrary, ie using vulgar and violent public demonstrations to overwhelm the ideas of an "adversary" who think differently. You see, the practice is still the same, the same used against Pope Benedict XVI is not obliged to participate in the visit to La Sapienza University by a group of subversive anti-democratic. Even in Padova is going the same thing: a violent minority, prevaricating, politicized and propagandist wants to show, screaming, turning against a prominent presence on the sole ground that that presence is the mouthpiece of a thought different! Do you realize how serious?! We ViVi Padova not accept it. We do not lend to these violent protesters, indeed, to say that Monsignor Fisichella in Padua is welcome, the real city, one made of workers, mothers and children, professionals, entrepreneurs and volunteers will be happy to hear his plain words and straightforward, without prior discussion and nauseating political purposes only. Dear lord, is in Padua, let these young students are rowdy sfoghino against you, know that they represent nothing but themselves, hoarse with slogans is vulgar, violent, and so superficial as to be ashamed of the last of the ignorant!

Filippo Bruno di Padova Tornaforte
President ViVi!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Buying Australian Reptiles


unprepared Groups of volunteers have poured in neighborhoods, often dangerous, in our cities without adequate preparation.

Finally, the government has legalized the Ronde, eh yeah, now with a beautiful yellow vest and a lot of good will you can become a volunteer "rondaiolo. Results? Bad! Slaps, blows, insults, and especially so for this or that newspaper advertising organizing committee and very little substance. Well, we're the usual! Although this idea is exploited for political purposes behind the citizenship. Having said that I would simply point out two things. The first is technical: one can not think of sending groups of people into the fray in the neighborhoods of the city without adequate preparation technique that provides at least the basic elements of self-defense, first aid, together with suitable equipment including an easily identifiable uniform to serve as a deterrent to the intruders. Minister Zaia Council to think about before proposing to "bring the mothers" in ronda! The question of the preparation of the volunteers could easily be overcome by taking "a dowry" the organizational system already tested by the City Angels, we invited in Padua last December, or the experience of the League. Both organizations have training courses for volunteers. I wonder why no one has organized a real propaganda during launching only initiatives in the area? Secondly, it is unacceptable to the usual claims of individuals campaigning on social centers bother even "Waving hands" against the volunteer patrols? Gallob not comment because of the acts speak for themselves. Are appalled by the actions of the "lady" Daniela Ruffini who holds the office of Councillor for the City and Immigration House of Padua. I say we realize? This person is paid by our citizens and instead of the interests of Padua has become complicit in one of the most nefarious pro immigration policies favoring migrants in Italy than the Padua. Result? Scum everywhere and a few houses in Padua so that there is no longer a quiet, well-inhabited city building! More than Councillor House and Immigration might be called "Councillor Protection of Immigrants." But what is really intolerable is the way this councilor is allowed to take part in demonstrations to defend the thugs and illegal immigrants are going against the peaceful initiatives of the committee of citizens motivated by fear of Padua for the current situation which is increasingly out of control. Situation that its nefarious policies of Ruffini helped to create and develop. Moral of the story? Always that dear Padovani, the City is powerless, stationary, comatose: the wars of spritz, degradation, fear, the patrols, the committees, the fights, all of which there would be if there was a serious and competent administrative policy of the city that our "brave" Mayor has failed to implement five years of administration! Well, let me tell you, it's time for a breath of fresh air in the Palazzo Moroni ...

Filippo Bruno di Padova Tornaforte
President ViVi!