Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sakura I Saske Igrice


PUGGINA CRISTINA: "THE MOSQUE IN Hippodrome yet another abuse of power by Zanoni"

Puggina Cristina, a candidate for City Council in the Navy List, today attended a meeting at Ponte di Brenta with many local residents . The meeting was organized by Petra Menini, Marin District Candidate List 3, to analyze the situation of the large area that contains important and sensitive areas such as Ponte di Brenta, Venice and dropouts.

Puggina Cristina said: "We had to speak to the needs of residents and we instead found between the head and neck, the decision to open the mosque by way of the Hippodrome. The residents do not want the mosque by way of the Hippodrome. It take note! "

During the meeting it became clear that the opposition is supported by major socio-cultural analysis that show that the mosques to become places of worship places of formation of terrorist cells, or at least within the Islamic propaganda Our city communities.

Puggina Cristina continues: "Zanon is hiding behind the fact that this mosque will be opened in a private, non-municipal and so he" washes his hands'. This is yet another injustice that the mayor wants to do to the detriment of citizens. It 'good to remember that Zanon is still supported by the left of the disobedient Ruffini, the same left that led us to lose the rankings at municipal offices for immigrants from selected foreign associations of the left rather than the local police. Zanon continues in the same policy that plunged Padova in degeneration and who now wants to undermine our basic values \u200b\u200bsuch as Christianity. "

Filippo Bruno of Tornaforte
Election Committee President Cristina Puggina
+39 340 8568340

Accounts For Kates Playground



let you know that Cristina Puggina candidate for city council of Padua Marco Marin began the first meetings for the forthcoming elections of 6 / 7 June.

Yesterday afternoon he met in Via Carducci a group of local residents Prato della Valle / Corso Vittorio Emanuele to see what you would like to see local residents of the future city administration: "I met a large group of residents of the area that is very at heart she was born and raised right in Corso Vittorio Emanuele where my family ran a business history. It 'obvious concern of the inhabitants of this beautiful area of \u200b\u200bPadua to the oppressive policies implemented by Zanon who first delivered this area to illegal immigrants and drug addicts, and now wants to rape with the Plan Crotti. Residents wishing to find the serenity of living area Appiah, Prato della Valle, as before. An area with its own commercial life to walk with their children and grandchildren without fear of running into all kinds of riffraff. And 'it was also evident concern for the plan that would undermine Crotti the balance of Prato della Valle with a senseless action. All will agree with the redevelopment of the area but without disastrous interventions. "

Cristina Puggina meet today at a group of 18 residents of the neighborhood with Lisa Chiesanuova Scanferla candidate for Council District 6 by Marco Marin, theme of the pressing needs of District 6.
Tomorrow at
20 hours will be held the meeting with the local artisans and Guizza Bassanello Galiazzo organized by Alexander, candidate for Council District 4 by Marco Marin.

17 will be held Saturday at the meeting with the mothers of the area with dropouts Petra Menini , candidate for the District Council 3 with Marco Marin.

Friday, May 1, 2009

When Does Huntik Season 2




in recent weeks have been kept away from political debate in the city to give way to Marco Marin, candidate for Mayor of the center-right to express his point program and to highlight the method by which intended to give off the positive change for draw the Future of Padua.
I got to personally meet Marco Marin, along with Alberto Claut and our leaders, and we found him in great determination and above all clarity and transparency not often found in politicians. So I think it's fair to make our contribution to the success of the election campaign of the Coalition for Marin Mayor.
why we fielded the best forces of Padua ViVi! to be candidate of the Civic Party Candidate: "To Padua Marco Marin."
In the coming days will convene a press conference to outline the election commitment and the program that will bring a dowry to Marco Marin, we are happy to give our candidates the following:

Filippo Bruno of Tornaforte

CRISTINA PUGGINA for the City of Daughter of Padua

Presidentissimo of Puggina Marino Calcio Padova, Italy Despar founder, Cristina takes care of the Press Office from 1986 for some of the most popular of the Made in Italy based in Milan and Padua. In Padua has always been its primary business office giving the city the opportunity to be known even in complex environments such as the design and fashion often accomplished by Milan. Mother of two sons, Philip and Maxine Brown Tornaforte, and grandmother of two beautiful grandchildren Nicola and Ottavia, Cristina decided to support Marco Marin: "I am happy to support with ViVi Padova Marco Marin. And a clean person, young and aggressive. Knowing very well the world of sport I'm sure Mark will give their all to win, you can count on my support and my family. My motto is clearly "Here Padova in Serie A!." Padova deserves to regain leadership of the most important cities of Italy, we are working for the program Culture, Tourism and Trade and Security / family we studied with Vivi Padova can be part of the program for future council led by Marin. My motto is clearly "Here Padova in Serie A!" deeply because we love this city that deserves our full commitment. "

RED KATIA the Neighborhood Center

Young committed professional and a brilliant journalist who works successfully with the annual costume" Gotha "and" The Gazzettino. Daughter of Dino Rossi, who with his brothers is the protagonist in the global luxury footwear Rossimoda with the group. He wants to devote his commitment to the rebirth of the Old Town especially in key youth: "We are tired of having a heart historical dying or unkempt. We would like to rediscover the pleasure of experiencing the squares and streets of the city safely and without curfew, young and fun as I would like to major European cities who envy our peculiarities too often belittled and denigrated. A historic center safe, alive, young and respectful. This is my thought for the Centre of Padua "

VALERIA CHIANGLIA for the District 2 Arcella

Note teacher always dell'Arcella inhabitant, Valeria Chinaglia has long been involved in social and nell'associazionismo, with the Committees Arcella to try to make the neighborhood more livable and safe Arcella. Well known for its program to make neighborhoods a place rebirth of the city with the slogan "Not only the historical center" also presented at the Conference ViVi Padova last April also reported in the national press as an example of rebirth and redevelopment of neighborhoods with particular attention to families and young people.

PETRA MENINI for District 3

Young and dynamic professional in the commercial sector. Active in two outlets in the District has decided to make arrangements which their professional knowledge for the improvement of trade in the district speaking to young people.

ALESSANDRO Galiazzo for the District 4

Craftsman in electrical engineering has always been resident in the district where he wants to focus its activities on a plan of reorganization and revitalization of crafts in the area.

DANIELE Sciancalepore for the District 5

young trader in the field of electrical appliances Daniel has already brought a dowry to ViVi Padova his knowledge of the hospital sector and service needs of the elderly and families in general who are often "abandoned" in neighborhoods.

LISA SCANFERLA for the District 6

young entrepreneur in the printing industry has always been resident in Chiesanuova understands the needs of the district especially in the Catholic. His first commitment is for the redevelopment of the areas degraded so that they can go back to being usable by the elderly and many young people who leave the District for the countries of the urban belt.

Filippo Bruno di Padova Tornaforte
President ViVi

Secretary Alberto Padova ViVi